News | Jun 05 2018

World Health Organization reach out to football fans ahead of World Cup 2018

World Health Organization have launched a new video campaign that is targeting football fans ahead of the World Cup 2018. The campaign is looking to promote healthier and more active lives.

The series of videos was produced jointly by WHO, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the 2018 World Cup Russia Local Organising Committee.

It is one of many joint activities that will be implemented around the World Cup. The campaign was launched by showing one of the videos at the Spartak stadium (Otkritie Arena, capacity 45,000) in Moscow, Russian Federation.

Three videos, 3 key messages for healthier living

The campaign consists of 3 videos, each tackling a key health risk issue:

  • Tobacco use: using tobacco is one of the most damaging lifestyle choices. WHO has estimated that tobacco use is currently responsible for 16% of all deaths in adults over 30 in the WHO European Region, with many of these deaths occurring prematurely.
  • Excessive salt consumption: excessive salt consumption is strongly associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. By eating less salt and staying within the limits of the recommended maximum – 5 grams a day – you can protect your health and significantly reduce the risk of developing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
  • Physical inactivity: physical activity is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, and the absence of it can lead to serious consequences. By taking action and reaching the recommended minimum of physical activity per week – 150 minutes of moderate and/or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity – you can protect your health, enhance your well-being and considerably reduce the risk of developing different associated conditions.

The videos will be presented on many occasions during the month leading up to the World Cup, in addition to being played for fans during the Russian National Championship and at the World Cup, itself. WHO invites everyone to share the videos and, in the spirit of sport, to take care of their health.