Educación para Compartir, shortlisted last year for the Beyond Sport Mexico Award, has used sport since 2007 as one of its main methods of impacting change, and helping promote strong values and personal development of children. They believe that the innovative and fun combination of sports and the power of play has the ability achieve greater understanding of civic values in girls and boys.
Because sports and play are essential tools for creating lasting social change, they are fundamental elements in Educación para Compartir’s programs that help solve the global challenges represented by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Educación para Compartir was very excited this week to be part of the Global Festival of Action in Bonn, Germany, which took place from March 21-23. The Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development is the world´s most inspiring SDG event to celebrate, empower, and connect the global community driving action for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It recognizes and celebrates the innovators, conveners and breakthrough actors who are transforming lives and generating practical solutions to some of the world’s most intractable problems.
During these three days, Educación para Compartir participated in various activities that helped spread the message on the importance of the Goals. On Wednesday March 21st, in conjunction with The World’s Largest Lesson, they carried out interactive sessions at a school in Bonn, where the SDG´s were taught through their innovative educational methodology, with the intention of inspiring the present labour of implementation and creating awareness in other countries around the world.
On the Thursday, representatives held a talk emphasizing how to become an agent of change through the power of play, and shared strategies on how to turn into an Ambassador of the SDGs worldwide.
This event continues to present a perfect opportunity to show how sports and games play an important role in forming better citizens from childhood and helping boys and girls become agents of change capable of transforming their realities.