News | Feb 21 2018

Play International launch incubator for groups using sport to include refugees

Across Europe, sport is being used as a tool to break down the barriers between existing communities and arriving refugees. During 2015 and 2016 more than 2.5 million refugees applied for asylum in Europe. 2.5 million people seeking safety in Europe, yet reaching Europe does not always equal safety – the risk of exclusion, violence, abuse, discrimination and racism is very real for many.

In 2018, Play International is launching the Playlab Incubator for individuals and organisations that use sport as a tool to increase the inclusion of refugees – supporting the development of six concrete solutions reaching 1000 individuals. 

The key objective being to identify and support half a dozen individuals or organisations that are innovating in this field with emerging projects. Through an intensive weeklong workshop and tailored in-field support, the short-term goal, is to increase their impact – reach more people, be more sustainable or increase effectiveness.

The learning and experience gained from the organisations will inform an open and transparent reflection on what works well in this field, what is good practice and common pitfalls to avoid – all published in a report.

Sport can be a powerful medium for social cohesion and bringing about change.

PLAY International uses sport as a psychosocial tool for prevention, social inclusion and reconstruction. In Burundi for instance, PLAY International worked alongside UNDP in rural villages where tensions existed between local and returnee populations. Experienced animators organized daily social-sporting activities for 4,000 returnee children. As a result, prejudices and discriminatory behaviour have reduced.

There are many other programmes for refugees that demonstrate the potential of sport for social inclusion, conflict resolution, education and health promotion.

This incubator will allow PLAY International to identify emerging initiatives and accelerate their impact in order to implement concrete, relevant and collective responses. Also create a catalyst for new models that can be adapted for other contexts.

We need to act and develop solutions together because social innovation is a collective sport.

Find out more on their website