News | Aug 15 2018


Bloomberg Square Mile Relay continued their community program, The Extra Mile in Shanghai and Sao Paulo last week. In partnership with local community partners Right To Play and Instituto Esporte e Educação, volunteers in both cities participated “Community Days” which used the power of sport to address key social issues.

The Extra Mile addresses a unique challenge in each city, giving runners and spectators alike the opportunity to make a meaningful and actionable difference to healthcare, education, arts or the environment of their communities, all through using the power of sport.

In Shanghai, Right To Play hosted volunteers at the Paediatrics Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University in a day that allowed attendees the chance to play with inpatient children, including one-to-one bedside games, group play, and picture book reading and performances. The aim of the day was to reduce the anxiety of children and improve their adaptability to hospitals, therefore increasing the medical treatment efficiency. The volunteers were also trained on skills to communicate with children and skills to lead and coach a game.

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In Sao Paulo, The Extra Mile teamed up with sport-for-development organization, Instituto Esporte e Educação to harness the power of sport to advance quality education initiatives across the city. The Community Day saw Bloomberg Square Mile Relay volunteers and coaches helping kids learn the values of being positive citizens in the community through sports, games and physical activity. Find out more about how to get involved in The Extra Mile in Sao Paulo here.

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The philanthropic partnerships will continue throughout the year, as The Extra Mile support will support the partner organizations in the host cities through various engagements and events.

This marks the fourth year that Shanghai will host a Bloomberg Square Mile Relay series event and the second year for Sao Paulo. Currently operating in 11 cities across the globe, the race offers a unique platform where companies can network, bond and collaborate outside their working environment through a relay race.

After a successful first year, the Square Mile team decided to broaden the scope of their program to give back to the communities where they operate. Sydney was the first city to host the Extra Mile, followed shortly by New York, Tokyo and San Francisco, but there are plans to expand across all host cities.